My name is Mark Miclean, and MMICLEAN DESIGN represents my body of work. As an Industrial & Graphic Designer, my passion resides in elevating cutting-edge technologies through innovative products and visualizations. Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area and moving to Chicago after graduating from Notre Dame, I take inspiration from a variety of styles, trends, and experiences. Working for several startups, ranging from fashion to audio technology, I am fascinated with the process of finding creative ways to help companies bring new ideas to life.
My philosophy for design is centered around a passion for creating innovative solutions that challenge conventional wisdom. Through industrial design, prototyping, and graphic visualization, I strive to push boundaries and develop new ways of expressing a changing industrial and digital landscape. The recurring thread in my work is to start from the internal, to design from a place of understanding and intuition. My approach is to not just work around something, but instead build from the inside out, starting with the nature of what’s inside and using it to inform my process.
Brands I’ve worked with:
Élan Beauté
Lippert Components
Logo Brands
Resonado Labs
Wolf & Shepherd